Header photo by Axel Fassio
The WILDMEAT Interventions Database provides a freely accessible, comprehensive database cataloguing past and current wild meat interventions that aim to increase the sustainability of wild meat use.
Many interventions in the wild meat sector have been implemented worldwide, including in Central Africa (e.g., Wicander and Coad 2018). These may, for example, provide alternative livelihoods, improve hunting law enforcement and regulation, manage hunting at a community level, aim to reduce consumer demand through campaigns or awareness raising activities, or provide a mixture of some or all of these (see the Interventions Data Explorer ‘about’ section for more details of types of intervention).
However, intervention details are often unpublished, therefore limiting available information on the number and distribution of such interventions, the stakeholders involved, and ultimately their progress towards conservation and development outcomes. This presents a vast knowledge gap for addressing unsustainable wild meat consumption and trade and hinders conservation researchers and practitioners from learning from the experiences of other projects. When designing and implementing future interventions, a thorough understanding of the wider intervention landscape is required to build upon previous successes and failures (van Velden et al. 2020). Interventions targeting wild meat use often involve limited resources, so addressing this knowledge gap will help focus critical resources on the most effective and evidence-based methods (Dobson et al. 2019).
Use the Interventions Data Explorer to view the Interventions Database, search for interventions and download the database.
Header photo: © Fiston Wasanga
The Interventions Database is made possible by the many donors, researchers and practitioners who have kindly provided data on their interventions to the Database – many thanks to all our contributors. To add information on a particular intervention or suggest additional interventions that could be added to the database, please get in touch via info@wildmeat.org.