WILDMEAT researchers lead a CMS-commissioned report on the impacts of hunting on terrestrial migratory species

17 October 2021

Photo by Manuel Lopez/CIFOR

The 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP13) of CMS directed the Secretariat to prepare an analysis on the direct and indirect impacts of wild meat taking, trade and consumption of terrestrial and avian species listed on CMS Appendices I and II. WILDMEAT researchers, led by Dr. Lauren Coad, were invited by CMS to conduct this analysis, and we completed the report in September, and the launch of the report was covered by Mongabay

Among other findings, the report highlighted that of the 99 CMS species with an IUCN Red List assessment 50% of species and 98% of all non-bat species are threatened by hunting (including intentional or unintentional hunting and hunting for persecution/control), and 95% of the CMS species classified by IUCN as Endangered, Critically Endangered, or Extinct in the Wild are threatened by hunting. 70% of CMS terrestrial mammal species are hunted for wild meat consumption and 60% are recorded as traded.